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Yean Labmagico
liar of love.

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a Malaysian girl who stuck in United States.

YEAN is my name.


Status : I never feared death or dying, I only fear never trying.



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The Boiling Crab
I heard a lot of positive comments about this restaurant and I don't have the chance to try it.
My ex-roommate and my friend always tell me how good was the food, how delicious was it, and asked me really have to go there one day.

I never bother to check out this place until one day the silly wanted to go there.
I was having night class while the silly rang me up to accompany him to a place ;
* He always asks me to accompany him to here and there, and never wants to tell me where he wants to go while on the phone. Makes me wonder where he wants me to go with him.
Luckily that night professor ended the class early, so I can go to dinner with him :)
He said he wanted to go to The Boiling Crab because he saw his house owner having it at home. lol 

I was happy that I finally had the chance to try it after hearing it for so many times ^^
We went to San Jose branch, where is the closest from our place.
We sat at a table lined with butcher paper. There's NO PLATES, NO UTENSILS (unless you are eating rice) ; Then a bunch of cut limes are put on the table.
It was my first time there, the silly asked me to make the order which I don't even know what to order.
He scolded me stupid then he told me what to order then he purposely run to the restroom, JUST TO MAKE ME TO PLACE THE ORDER TO THE WAITRESS. 
* He is that childish, foolish and crazy ; that's why I call him SILLY.

Below are things you should know about The Boiling Crab:
  • Food comes in plastic bags.
  • Be sure to make use of the bib and napkins.
  • Don't bother to use utensils, they're useless! 
  • Reach your hands in, grab, crack/peel, and eat!
  • Things get really messy after that. ngek :D


The interior of the restaurant #SanJoseBranch
photo from internet (I forgot to take a picture of the restaurant)

Select your seafood - Select your seasoning - Select your heat level
We ordered SHRIMP, and usually go with the original seasoning which is RANJUN CAJUN, then the silly asked for TRIPLE X which is the most spicy level (and you'll know what happen later. haha)

As I say just now, the food are come with plastic bag.
Our order: 2 pounds of Shrimp and he asked for two corns.

this is really good.


 He ordered another Gumbo with rice.
I don't know how it taste like ; 
I never want to give it a try because the silly made it became disgusting. lol.

As I say just now, he asked me to order everything right?
Due to I love to eat spicy, I placed every order in the MOST SPICY LEVEL which is TRIPLE X
The shrimps with TRIPLE X ; The corn with TRIPLE X ; even the fries with TRIPLE X.
Then the silly couldn't stand the spiciness. He blamed me on choosing the most spicy level :P
After that, he ordered another crab with less spicy. hehe.
He also brought home a bag of 2 pounds shrimps for the next day meal...

p/s: This place is really good but probably NOT A GOOD PLACE FOR A FIRST DATE OR TO MEET UP YOUR CRUSH as you will give them a bad impression(?) when you eat with your hands and mess up your look(?)

Overall, everything is really great! I'm craving for it now while I'm blogging this. OMG.
Wait the silly come back must go to eat again! 

There are a lot of branches in California, but I been to the San Jose branch.
You can check the other location from their website :)

The Boiling Crab
1631 E Caitol Expy
San Jose CA 95121
Tel: (408)532-6147

loves xx