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Yean Labmagico
liar of love.

 photo 17fae760-6e0c-4ca2-bcc3-7b18e0054b03_zpsa24e7416.jpg

a Malaysian girl who stuck in United States.

YEAN is my name.


Status : I never feared death or dying, I only fear never trying.



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Yean Labmagico

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Spring Class '13

First of all, I have to say that this post will full of words, you can skip it if you don't want to read. I write to syok sendiri only. HAHA.

Spring class just started a week ago, so far so good.
Kind the busy, my schedule is more pack than last quarter because I gone crazy for this quarter! haha.
Currently I have 4 classes with 22 units (maximum is 21.5units) ; I might add one more class if the counselor let me to. So, total will be 5 classes with 26 units
I retake LART211 as I failed on Fall Quarter. (Fall was my worst Quarter ever ; do not play too much during Summer break seriously, it might affect you when you back to school on Fall)

So, here's my Spring schedule :
  • Monday: LART 211 (12:30pm - 2:45pm) ; ARTS 2B (4:30pm - 6:20pm)
  • Tuesday: LART 211 (12:30pm - 2:45pm) ; PHTG 7 (4:30pm - 6:20pm)
  • Wednesday: LART 211 (12:30pm - 2:45pm) ; ARTS 2B (4:30pm - 6:20pm)
  • Thursday: LART 211 (12:30pm - 2:45pm) ; PHTG 7 (4:30pm - 6:20pm) ; INTL 11 (6:30pm - 10:20pm)
  • Friday: HIST 17A (5:30pm - 9.20pm)

I have LART 211 from Monday to Thursday :\
oh. and I finally take photography class for this Quarter! I wanted to take this class long time ago, I always registered that class but dropped it after that. lol. Not gonna drop it this time!!!
Then Thursday will be the most crazy day, full day class until late night 10:20pm. holy.
I make myself damn busy, no time for dating. lol.
Well, I actually don't think I'm busy because most of the time I'm watching dramas continuously!
See! I am wasting time... 

Hopefully Spring quarter will be good to me :)
I must PASS LART211 this time! is a MUST!!!

a bit outdated to post this GWIYOMI pics.
I guess you all already seen it from my Instagram. lol
I actually recorded a video of my gwiyomi version because of Allan! wtf.
But I never show anyone except Coddy and Louis. 
So embarrassing. lol

And here you go....
I-I-I I’m a, mother-father-gentleman
Psy's new hits! GENTLEMAN~
 sounds like motherfcukergentleman.
I even set it as my ringtone. lol

Alagamun-lan, weh, wakun, heya, hanun, gon
Alagamun-lan, weh, makun, heya, hanun, gon
Alagamun-lan, ari, gari, hanon, kari, he
Alagamun-lan, we-like, we like party, hey
Ichiba, varriya, is hara moru, mashi sondori, yama, varriya
Yougun, pegi, tur, equa, machen, varriya
Noga, onku, pega, haga, kunge, nande, varriya
Damn girl, you’re so freakin sexy

loves xx