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Yean Labmagico
liar of love.

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a Malaysian girl who stuck in United States.

YEAN is my name.


Status : I never feared death or dying, I only fear never trying.



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Yean Labmagico

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Green Hair
Finally I'm here for blogging!
I'm having a week of Spring break now, well, the break is actually going to end soon :\
I'm so free and bored in the same time, but lazy to update my blog.
My friends complained that my blog is not as nice as last time anymore :(
Of course la... I'm lifeless in US, what do you expect me to write in my blog? 
My buddies keep asking me to go back Malaysia ; I know la you all miss me so much! hohoo..
I'm here to tell you guys, I'M COMING BACK ON AUGUST! Already booked my air-ticket :]

I going to talk bout my HAIR COLOR again...
I addicted to dye my hair, can't stand with a hair color more than 2 months.
I think I soon gonna be bald ><"
During this break, I wanted to change my hair color, so I bought Splat again, in green this time.
I failed to dyed my hair by myself with the green color, ended up I bought Revlon Black to cover my green hair :(
Conclusion, my green hair just last for a night, I'm currently with black hair. 
I feel like dying another color. Can I? oh my god...

Splat ; Neon Green.
I not gonna get any Splat again, I swear. lol

This is the result.
I was trying to highlight some part of my top hair, and dye green and pink under layer, but BIG FAILED.
I took too much of my top hair to bleached into green color.
But I really like my underneath dyed with green and pink fetish.

The LALAMUI. wtf.
Everyone was shocked and asked what happen to me. LOL.
Ohhh ya, it was APRIL FOOL on that day I dyed my hair.
 what the fuck. I just fooled myself by making myself looked like this. So silly :\

Couldn't stand my green hair, the next day, I quickly go to Target to get Black hair-dye to cover my green hair. lol.
Revlon is not bad. Cheap and nice. 
I should have buy other color rather than just black, regret now :(

I just re-dyed the top part, my under layer is still in pink and green :)

What a "good" try ; I will never dye any extreme color anymore. lol 

peace xx