Yean Labmagico
liar of love.
a Malaysian girl who stuck in United States. YEAN is my name. contact: Nuffnang
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每個女孩身邊都有一個不是男朋友的男朋友你們可能相愛過,你們也可能喜歡著彼此,但是,為了什麼原因你們沒能在一起? 也許他為了朋友之間的義氣,不能追你。 也許為了顧及家人的意見,你們沒有在一起。 也許為了出國深造,他沒有要你等他。 也許你們相遇太早,還不懂得珍惜對方。 也許你們相遇太晚,你們身邊已經有了另一個人。 也許你回頭太遲,對方已不再等待。 也許你們彼此在捉摸對方的心,而遲遲無法跨出界線。 不過即使你們沒在一起,你們還是保持了朋友的關係。 但是你們心底清楚,對這個人,你比朋友還多了一份關心。 即使不能跟他名正言順的牽著手逛街,你們還是可以做無所不談的朋友。 他有喜歡的人,你口頭上會幫他追,心裏卻不是很清楚你是不是真的希望他追到。 他遇到困難時,你會盡你所能的幫他,不會計較誰又欠了誰。 男女朋友吃醋了,你會安撫他們說你和他只是朋友,但你心中會有那麼一絲的不確定。 每個人這輩子,心中都有過這麼一個特別的朋友,很矛盾的行為。 一開始你不甘心只做朋友的,但久了,突然發現這樣最好。 你寧願這樣關心他,總好過你們在一起而有天會分手。 你寧願做他的朋友,彼此不會吃醋,才可以真的無所不談。 特別是這樣,你還是知道,他永遠會關心你的。 做不成男女朋友,當他那個特別的朋友,有什麼不好呢? 你心中的這個特別的朋友...? 是誰呢? 很多的感情,都因為一廂情願,最後連朋友都當不成了。 常常覺得惋惜,可惜一些本來很好的友情。 最後卻因為對方的一句喜歡你,如果你沒有反應,這一段友情似乎也難以維持下去,這也難怪有些人會因此不肯踏出這一步。 因為這就像是一場賭注,表白了之後不是成了男女朋友,要不就連朋友都當不成了。 有些事不是你能預料的,或許對方不在意,你們還可以是朋友,但卻已經不如從前的好 fuckin' agreeeee this (: 特别的朋友总比男女朋友好
Watched two movies on my weekend. Saturday at Leisure Mall Just Another Pandora Box kind the lame ==" Sunday, Pavilion. Alice In Wonderland First time watch 3D in cinema. nothing special. contact lens + 3D glasses = make my eyes damn tired prefer to watch the normal version movie
day at KL
Im lazy to update my blog :( have to update before my holiday end, if not I have no time to update blog. assignments oh assignments ~ I did nothing on this two weeks of holiday. die soon when college re-open on Monday. 17.03.2010 WEDNESDAY sorry collegemates, didn't hang out with you guys again. went to KL area with hozhengyu. We went to the place that we first met on 2007 - Sg Wang. and then the same place that we went on that time - Gasoline. hahaaa =D Walked to Pavilion after that ; He makes me walk under the darn hot sun! walk here walk there =S I drive when go to Sg.Wang, back to Cheras that time he drive. People so smart this time, he brought his secret weapon - GPS to KL. Coz you know.. I'm road-blind.. very very blind that type. hehe. We lost at Bukit Bintang. paiseh* I know how to go, don't know how to back. haha. Then the GPS bring us turn a big round only reach Cheras =S Stopped at Oldtown have a drink, then sent him back to LRT station. Most of the pics below are taken by him. he says, holding the DSLR very yeng ==" sohemmmmm his mine
RX8'owner ; stupid WWK
I can't get back to sleep now.Thanks to someone that disturb me at 10 o'clock morning! He called me while I'm still sleeping... and I repeated so many time to him that I WANT TO SLEEP ; but he still continue talk talk talk. "Two hours later I come and pick you. Let's go for movie. You still have an hour to prepare yourself, bath and make up" ............ whattheheck? You ask me to wake up so early? Is just 10 o'clock! You know what he say? he says : "you said that if want to date you, have to call you earlier. So I call you now lar" UNCLE!!!!! I mean have to inform me one day before, not ask you to call me early in the morning! arghhhhhhhhh! skynet
I received a thanks love.
what a suffer week
Finally the suffering week is pass! Rushing assignments from day to night. Sacrificed my sleep time, burning midnight oil to rush assignments. Everyday sleep at 5am, wake up at 9pm. EXHAUSTED! undone assignments : Kinetic Typo ( Song & Movie/Speech ) Website Layout 5 Analysis of Website * these can submit on next term ; have to do it on my two weeks of holiday. A very big thank you to pekpek Soon ; thanks for helping me so muchhhhhhh. Thanks to Mah too. Sorry, I know I'm annoying ; always disturb both of you. Cause I really really don't know how to do. as I say before, I look SMART, but I'm NOOB and you both are opposite of it. Look like noob, but smart. hehehee. one more, thank you HoZhengYu for accompany me finishing my assignments! <3 okaaaayyyyyy. Finally I can REST ! can sleep nicely without worry anything bout my assignments :)